How do I use a night fishing light to catch fish(Light net fishing gear fishing)

Light cover net is the use of fish phototropism habit, the use of metal halide fishing lamps to attract pelagic fish near the ocean fishing boat, when the concentration of fish reaches a certain degree,
Using the four support rods on the two sides of the boat, the lower edge of the net is spread out from the fish above the net, so that the fish are covered in the net, and then the network port is closed, fishing
A mode of operation of pelagic fishes, belonging to the masked fishing gear. It is mainly used for fishing cephalopods and phototactic fish.

1. Fishing gear structure
MH fishing lamp fishing boat
“Zhejiang Xiangyu 30298″ light cover net length of 44 m, 7 m wide. Draught 3.5m, on board
The main engine power is 547 kWo The lamps on the ship are divided into two kinds of water lights and underwater lights, water
There are a total of 230 lamps, 200 lamps are used when working, and the power is 1000w fishing lamp. 2000w Underwater Green fishing lamp  –
There are 0 lights, 9 on the port side, one of which is dimmed, and 8 on the starboard side. The lights are covered with nets
The net is held open mainly by four poles on the ship, as shown in Figure 1.

1000w fising lamp

1.2 Fishing gear
The length of the cover net is 600 m, the height is 300 m, the net is square, and the four corners are provided with a guide line, which is connected to the winch machine through a pulley. There is a similar perimeter around the net
The structure of the bottom ring of the net, called the extraction ring, a total of 250. The total weight of the main mesh is about 400 kg.
The material, specifications and structure of the main mesh of the light cover net are shown in Figure 2.

1.3 Fishing gear and line 131 line
The cordage includes the base cordage, the extractor cordage, the sink cordage, the margin cordage and the lead cordage. ,
(1) Net sac bundle: The diameter of net sac bundle is 21.3mm. The material is polypropylene (PP) and the length is 8 m.
(2) Suction rope: the diameter of the suction rope is 29.0 mm. The material is polypropylene (PP) and the length is 450 m.
(3) Sinophora: The diameter of Sinophora is 13.4 mm. The material is polypropylene (PP) and the length is 287.5m.
(4) Edge: the diameter of the edge is 11.0 mm. The material is polypropylene (PP) and the length is 277.5m.
(5) Guide rail: the diameter of guide rail is 22.0mm. The material is polypropylene (PP) and the length is 150 m.

The fittings include a drawing ring, a support rod and a sink.
(1) Extraction ring: outer diameter 140.0mm, ring width 12.0mm. The outer diameter of the small iron ring welded on the extraction ring is 45.0mm, and the ring width is 6.0mm. The extraction ring is made of stainless steel,
With the network cable tied on the edge, its function is to reduce the resistance of the drawing-out rope in the process of winding. 250 for the whole network.
(2) strut: the diameter of the strut is 240 mm. The length of the strut is 35m. Each of the four poles has a total of 19 slings with a diameter of 16.5 mm.
The distance between each two slings is 1540 mm, and each strut has 16 slings, of which the length of sling 1 is 34.9m, and the length of sling 2 is 32.4m
The length of cable 3 is 30.9 m, the length of cable 4 is 29.3 m, the length of cable 5 is 27.8 m, the length of cable 6 is 26.3 m, and the length of cable 7 is 24.8 m
The length of cable 8 is 23.2 m, the length of cable 9 is 21.7 m, the length of cable 10 is 20.2 m, the length of cable 11 is 18.7 m, the length of cable 12 is 17.2 m,,
The length of sling 13 is 15.7 m, the length of sling 14 is 14.2 m, the length of sling 15 is 12.7 m, and the length of sling 16 is 11.3 m. The end of each sling
All are connected by connecting 7 small slings and then connecting the strut. These small slings have a diameter of 9.5 mm and the length of the small slings is 1 original creativity document
(3) Sink: the material is lead, hollow waist drum type, length 85.0mm, middle diameter 24.0mm, both sides diameter: 17:5mtmok0: each n weight 1.23kg,
With the sinking thread tied on the edge of the lower edge of the net, the whole net share 1100 kg.

1.4 Fishing gear assembly net sewing
1)_ The stitching method of the upper edge net and the nylon net section is to arrange the upper edge net 1 mesh to wrap the nylon net section 2 mesh, and the number of loops of the sewing is 6200 times.
2) The stitching method of nylon net section 1 and nylon net section 2 is to arrange nylon net section 31 mesh to nylon net section 30 mesh, and the number of times of sewing is 400
3) The stitching method of nylon net section 2 and nylon net section 3 is to arrange nylon net section 2 10 mesh to nylon net section 3 9 mesh winding, and the number of winding cycles is 1200
4) The stitching method of the nylon net section 3 and the nylon net section 4 is to arrange the nylon net section 3 for 9 days to wind the nylon net section 8, and the number of times of winding the sewing is 1200
5) The stitching method of nylon net four sections and nylon net five sections is to arrange the nylon net four sections to wrap the nylon net five sections and five ends for 6 days, and the number of laps of stitching is 1600

(6) The stitching method of nylon net five sections and nylon net six sections is to arrange nylon net five sections 4 FI to nylon net six sections 3 ends, and the number of sewing cycles is 2000 times.
(7) The stitching method of six sections of nylon net and one section of netbag net is to arrange six sections of nylon net with 12 mesh to wrap around the netbag net 1-7, and the number of loops of winding is 500 times.
(8) The stitching method of the network-segment and the network-segment II of the network-segment is to arrange the network-segment 7 to the network-segment 4 to wrap the suture, and the cycle of the suture is 500 times.
Section (9) the net net and the net net three way of stitching for arrange the net net two section 2 eye for goal three 1 capsule network around the seam, seam around the cycles of 1000 times.
(10) The stitching method of the three sections of the net sac and the four sections of the net sac was arranged to wrap the three sections of the net sac and the five sections of the net sac and the four sections and four ends of the net sac, and the number of loops of the suture was 200 times.
(11) The stitching method of the net sac section 4 and the net sac section 5 is to arrange the net sac section 2 to wrap the net sac section 1, and the cycle of the suture is 400 times.

1.4.1. The upper and lower edges of the net garment assembly are connected between the upper and lower edges of the net garment through a drawing ring, each drawing ring is provided with two small iron rings, the small iron rings are respectively connected in
Upper and lower edges of the net. The drawing ring passes through a drawing rope in the middle, which is used in the process of drawing the net during the operation. The distance between the two cities is 1.2 m,

Thread the lower edge of the mesh into the lower edge of the mesh. With a mesh length of 1m, 23 mesh (7 times) and with a mesh length of 1m, 24 mesh (33 times), so a total of 5 cycles
Assemble the lower edge mesh evenly on the lower edge thread. After assembly, connect the two ends of the lower edge to form a ring shape of the entire lower edge. ,
144 Assembling a network port bundle The network port bundle is not assembled on the lower edge of the network port edge, but is moved up about 1 m from the lower edge of the network port. preexistence
Assemble two ring straps and steel rings at the mesh about 1 m away from the lower edge, and then thread the network cable through all the steel rings, bringing the two ends together through a large steel ring

1.4.5 Assembly of sinks Each sink has a hole in the middle, which can be passed through the sink line, and then the sink line is tied to the edge line of the lower edge net. Pull every two rings
Eight sinks at a time.
The distance between each two sinks is 133 mm.
1.4.6 Assembly of guide rails
The ● end of the lead is connected to the 4 corners of the light cover mesh. The upper, ● end passes at the end of the 4 struts. The pulley block is then connected to the winch on the ship
“Local sac
The mesh pouch is used to strengthen the structural strength of the mesh pouch in the form of the mesh pouch coat.
2 Methods of fishing gear operation Preparation before fishing gear operation
From 17:00 to 18:00, the sea anchor is released to ensure the stability of the hull during production operations. Then the four poles on the boat are spread out and the poles are raised to 3-4m above the water
To reduce the force on the hull. Then turn on the water fishing light, underwater fishing light to lure fish.

2.1 Operation procedure of network release
The net is placed on the port side of the ship deck, and the net is first raised by a crane to the port outboard side of the fishing boat, and then the four corners of the net are pulled simultaneously by a winch
Lead the line, make the cover net expand well, wait for the fish lure to complete, and wait for the opportunity to lower the net, as shown in Figure 2

night fishing boat

23 Operation process of hoisting the net
The settling speed of the bottom line of the cover net is 24 m/min on average, because of the action of water resistance, the net
The rate of descent of the lower line is indicated by the horizontal fishing probe as first increasing and then decreasing. According to the depth of the fish
And the settling speed of the net, calculate the time for the net to reach the fish, once the net reaches the fish
The net can be pulled in when the water is deep. When pulling in the net, use the skein
The net machine draws the rope and closes the network port. When the net sinks to a fixed depth, winch and draw
After the mouth rope, the network port reaches the surface of the water, then winch the net bag bundle until the net bag is lifted on the boat and turned over
The catch can be dumped by opening the slipknot of the sac and loosening the net sac bundle. Then clean up the net and get ready
A job net times. When the net is pulled, the metal halide fishing lamp are all turned off, and wait until the next time the net is lured
On. Once the catch reaches the ship, the catch is sorted and the next net is prepared for production,
As shown in Figure 3.

night fishing lamp boat

3 Before the test should know the maintenance method of fishing gear
Nets and ropes need to be covered with tarpaulin to prevent sunlight exposure, especially after soaking in seawater, they need to be kept well to avoid aging and shadow of materials
Ring life.
3.1 Strengthen production safety education
The structure of the light cover net hull is special, the four struts are long, and the operation needs to be stopped when the wind is 7 to 8, whether it is easy to cause production accidents. Prevent problems before they occur
However, it is recommended that the fisheries department strengthen the education of the safety awareness of captains and fishermen, and suggest that safety education should be conducted repeatedly during the fishing season, and relevant experts should be invited
Experienced fishermen conduct guidance training to make them realize the importance of safe production and reduce the occurrence of safety accidents.


Post time: Jul-10-2023